Sensiil Studios’ Red Carpet Motion Comic Premiere
by Sensiil Studios
Sensiil Studios is debuting their latest animated motion comic at Fleur Cinema. Put on your suit or dress & come experience a red carpet premiere like Iowa’s never seen before. Get a photo op, interview, & make your mark on the community paint canvas!
Funding for Bryan's Senior Thesis Film
by Bryan Ford
My name is Bryan Ford and I am a senior film student at Missouri Western State University. My final thesis project is to make a short film. My film is a fantasy drama film titled The House of Mirrors, which tells a story of two estranged siblings who c...
Hickory Stag - A Rural Horror Graphic Novel by Bailey Culver
by Bailey Culver
How many shots does it take to kill a deer? When a man’s fascination turns to obsession, he will stop at nothing to claim his trophy buck even if he defies the will of nature itself. - Hickory Stag: A Rural Horror Graphic Novel by Bailey Culver
Return to Perinthos: A Memorial Book Fundraiser in the Memory of Jennell Jaquays
by Violet Ballard
The goal of this fundraiser is fund the printing of a giant Greek mythology themed megadungeon a la Caverns of Thracia. All profits from the campaign will be donated to Jennell Jaquays's family to assist with medical and funeral expenses.
'Sounding the Century Vol. 4 - Time Immoral: 1959-69' by Mike Butler
by Colin Harper
Sounding the Century is the story of Bill Leader, the sound engineer and producer who straddled the age of traditional song and the folk revival, his life and times. Vol. 4: Time Immoral 1959-69 is available now - with exclusive extra rewards.
A Chaotic Cataloging: A Seasons of Hieron Fanzine
by A Chaotic Cataloging: A Seasons of Hieron Fanzine
A Chaotic Cataloging is a charity fanzine for the Hieron seasons of the actual play podcast Friends at the Table, with all profits going to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund. #HieronZine #FriendsattheTable 📚🍂 ❄️ 🍃
Stay Weird! Fund Weird Horror Magazine for 2025.
by Undertow Publications
Help keep Weird Horror magazine going. Genre magazines are suffering. Revenue and marketshare is shrinking. We need your help. We can't continue publishing the magazine without your support. Please consider supporting our crowdfunding campaign. Thank you!