To participate, all you need to do is:

Canadian Creators Spotlight
April 15 - May 31, 2023
Get ready for six weeks of Canadian Creators on Crowdfundr!
Spotlight Benefits
If you crowdfund your project as part of the Canadian Creator Spotlight on Crowdfundr, you’ll get these amazing benefits (see eligibility below):
- Your campaign will be included in the Canadian Creator Spotlight section on Crowdfundr.
- Get access to our success coaches and campaign set-up team for getting the maximum out of Crowdfundr.
Crowdfundr will showcase and highlight your campaign via our paid advertising and social media channels.DEADLINE PASSEDYou and your co-creators will be featured in Creator Spotlight, our promotion strategy for helping people learn more about you.DEADLINE PASSEDEXTRA BONUS: If you are tabling or attending TCAF or VanCAF and you register on this page up to 30 days before the convention starts, we will print 50 custom bookmarks with your crowdfunding campaign url, social handles and website for you to hand out at the convention.DEADLINE PASSED

- Register your interest in participating – REGISTRATION CLOSED
- Launch your Crowdfundr campaign between April 1 and May 30, 2023
- Be a current or former Canadian resident or citizen or be closely related to one, or have some other tie to Canada that is meaningful to you
The Canadian Spotlight is a great opportunity to fund your project, introduce your work to more fans, and get great social media exposure to grow your audience.
Why Crowdfundr?
It’s Free!
We offer three pricing plans and let you decide which one works best for your needs. Best of all, with our Simply Free plan, we charge you nothing. That’s right, it’s free! Learn more
All-or-Nothing, or Keep-it-All
It’s your choice, not ours. With All-or-Nothing you and your supporters will be working together towards a funding goal - everyone wins or no one does. With Keep-it-All you get paid out over the course of the campaign and make only as many orders as you received.
Receive Funding ASAP
No need to wait until the campaign is over. If your All-or-Nothing campaign hits your goal early, you can choose to deposit funding immediately and get started fulfilling rewards for your supporters sooner.
Get Started Right Away
With Crowdfundr, you can have your crowdfunding campaign up and running in less than an hour. No approval or extra hassle. Just go and enjoy the process!