Stereoscope Comics
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Delete this item from the media gallery? It will also be deleted from any related story update.
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The campaign video will appear in social media and email.
The campaign cover picture will appear in social media and email.
The will appear at the top of your campaign page and in social media and email.
Reset ?
It will be removed from the top of your campaign and won't be used as default in social media and email. The will remain in the media gallery.
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Delete this story update?
Any pictures or videos will remain in the campaign's media gallery.
Greetings comic enthusiasts! I draw fun adult comics that are
I love drawing comics, and it is my dream to one day dominate
the world with them! To make that happen, I am turning to you, the
people who love comics, to help me chisel out time in my busy
schedule to draw.
Check out my Patreon!
Stereoscope's campaigns
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Stats and activity can only be shown when the profile is public.
It might take up to 3 minutes until changes appear for visitors.