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M. S. Arthadian hasn't added a story.
A new Tabletop Roleplaying Experience is on the horizon! In fact, it’s practically already here! Chosen Creation is the first of many programs ( Studies ) that features an in-depth character creation process for players who wish to make a Chosen in the CORE Realms !
A Chosen is an in-universe title for an individual who encounters Higher Entities due to their uniquely heightened sense of free will. You, being a player sitting around a table, have more say in what you want to do in game. Whereas an NPC (Non-Player Character) will follow what your Loremaster (GM/DM) dictates.
With that being said, as a Chosen , you have the opportunity to experience the CORE through a woven narrative established by your Loremaster .
Before we begin, an introduction is in order…
My name is M. S. Arthadian. I am the first Loremaster & Creative Director of Arthadian Anthologies, the producer of the New Expanding Universe you’ll get to explore and developer of the Reborn in Power™ Tabletop Roleplaying Game.
I’ve been working on bringing this New Expanding Universe to the forefront for 9 years! Now with a 150+ episode Audio Fiction/Actual Play podcast, my first official Livestream Campaign of Reborn in Power (RIP) running in correlation to the 4th season of the podcast, all with a robust TTRPG backing it up and more content on the way!
You might ask why I’m doing this campaign. The answer is that I want to build a community surrounding a shared, expanding universe that can bring us closer together! That is why I have joined Tabletop Nonstop to help me make this community happen!
What is Chosen Creation?
As stated above, Chosen Creation is the 1st Study produced by
Arthadian Anthologies. It is an Online Ruleset made to guide players
through character creation in the Reborn in Power TTRPG.
Through the process of developing a rulebook on my own, there have been several challenges I’ve faced.
- My 1st Crowdfunding Attempt: In all transparency, I attempted a kickstarter for Reborn in Power in February of 2021. It failed due to my lack of research, spreading myself too thin, unable to produce the best quality campaign I could.
- Lack of Resources: Being a lone creator makes for my time to have to be divided between an alternative form of income, marketing, creation of the system, and seeking out ways to publish said 250+ page TTRPG.
- Life in General: As we all know, life at times gets in the way. With me working on this for 9 years, the past few years has been challenging to say the least.
However, even with the challenges, I was able to produce Chosen Creation. Instead of dealing with publishing costs for books, I went with the online approach and used an Online Program format.
Much like Life Coaches, Yoga Instructors, but instead this is a program where you sign up/log in and are able to open up tabs for each section of the rules you’d like to see.
There are some drawbacks, but I do love the benefits for it as well!
- No physical copies (yet) so you can’t hold it in your hands and admire it on your shelf
- It does require some form of internet connection, which also means that players will be on their phones/tablets if they are looking at the rules (There are PDFs available for download in the Study)
- Updates can be made regularly without the need of a new batch of printed books
- Ease of access to find what you’re looking for using multiple tabs and/or the hyperlink directories
Now, with all that being said, here is an in-depth description of all that can be found inside Chosen Creation!
The first page of the Rebirth Sheets
Attribute Phase:
The first Phase of Chosen Creation is the most straight forward. It dives into the 6 Attributes every creature has.
Physical Attributes:
- Fortitude (Fort): This is your base Endurance and will be implemented into Health & Stamina.
- Strength (Str): This is how much you can carry, how far you can jump, and your total build as a beast! It will be added to your Stamina.
- Agility (Agi): This is how fast you can react and your ability dodge. It will also be added to your Stamina.
Mystical Attributes:
- Intellect (Int): This increases your capacity for knowledge. It also determines how smart you are and your potential for manipulating molecular structures. It will be added to your Energy.
- Will (Will): This is how well you can fight off corrupting forces and perceive greater mysteries. It will be added to your Energy.
- Charm (Cha): This is your ability to persuade and how your personality is portrayed. It will be added to your Energy.
In order to determine Attribute Scores, there are 2 systems! Note: The Max an Attribute Score can be naturally is 12.
With this system, you will receive 72 Attribute Points (AP) to spend in order to determine the 6 Attribute Scores of your Chosen.
With this system, you will roll 3D6, adding the highest two
rolls and subtracting the lowest from the total of the highest two
(Max of 11).
Alien Access:
The Alien Access is a section of the Alien Archives that is accessible as Playable Races. Starting out in Chosen Creation there are 6 total Playable Races, with 13 total sub-races available to choose from.
Race Receives:
- Overall Attribute Bonus that applies to all subraces
- A Racial Knowledge that applies to all subraces
- A form of verbal/written Languages that applies to all subraces
- A Physique that includes the Body Type, Movement Type(s), and the Range of each Movement Type
- A Gift from the Higher Entities that scales with the Racial Rank
Subrace Receives:
- Specified Attribute Bonus that only applies to the subrace
- A Benefit that only applies to the subrace
- An Optional form of verbal/written Language that applies to the subrace
- Some Talent Points (TP) to place in specified areas
Racial Rank:
All creatures have a Racial Rank that is determined by their Chosen Level . A Chosen's Racial Rank can only be ranked up through leveling up. It happens every 3rd Level.
1st Scan found in the Alien Access of Chosen Creation
Origin Paths:
The Origin Paths grant a number of things to a Chosen. There are 5 Origins to choose from:
- Apprentice: Choosing Apprentice means you have trained or are being trained by a Master/Leader of a given Faction.
- Enhanced: Choosing Enhanced means you have had an experience that caused you to obtain 2 Enhancement Slots .
- Executive: Choosing Executive means you rose up or were given authority in a specific Faction.
- Militant: Choosing Militant means you have joined a militaristic faction at some point in your life.
- Scientist: Choosing Scientist means you pursue advancement to extremes, joining any Faction that gives you the resources for your studies.
Starting out, an Origin grants how many Talent Points (TP) a Chosen receives at Level 1.
Chosen also gain a choice of 1 out of 4 Knowledges to choose from based off the Origin Path.
An Origin Path also grants a unique choice of Vocation Benefit from 9 out of 12 of the main Vocations.
12 Vocations found in the Origin Path of Chosen Creation
Faction of the CORE:
Each Origin Path gets a choice of 4 Factions. Upon choosing a Faction, this determines starting Gear.
Faction Entries will be found in the Chosen Codex Archive . These can only be accessed through a Chosen Subscription!
Progression Phase:
This Phase is one that will be important to reference back to when playing. Having it as a tab will be helpful when needed to Rank & Level Up your Chosen!
In this Phase, you will learn how to progress your character in the two main systems. Ranking & Leveling Up !
- Ranking: This system applies to anything with a Rank label attached to it. Anything that uses Ranking only has a Max of Rank 5.
- Leveling: This system applies to anything with a Level label attached to it. Anything that uses Leveling only has a Max of Level 12.
You will learn how Chosen Points (CP) is spent on both Ranking & Leveling. This is the experience you receive at the end of each game session.
Access Phase:
This is probably going to be the Phase you look to the most. In it you will find the Access ; Skills, Feats, and Abilities (SFA)
- Skills: These are for Physically Built Chosen. They mostly cost Stamina and utilize Rank Dice.
- Feats: These are for all Chosen, no matter the build. They have a number of uses per day/mark in-universe equal to their Rank.
- Abilities: These are for Mystically Built Chosen. They mostly cost Energy and utilize Rank Dice Pools.
Screenshot of the first 2 Scans for Access Abilities
There are approximately 70+ SFA found in Chosen Creation. Soon there will be more featured in the exclusive Entries accessed by Chosen Subscribers!
Shopping Phase:
This is where you will find the Gear Archive. It will help you build a Chosen to become even more EPIC than they already can be!
There are 7 Gear Categories found throughout the Gear Archive:
There are 80+ Gear Pieces that can be found in the Shopping Phase, with more Gear to be made using the Gear Crafting Entry + New Gear Scans found in the Chosen Codex Archive !
Exploring the CORE:
This is the 2nd and final section of the Chosen Creation: Study . It includes the last two Phases:
- Exploration Phase: This is where you learn about exploring the CORE. Utilizing the Universals ; Basic Skills, Knowledges, and Forms (BKFs) . You will also access the Languages & Movements available. Lastly, you will learn about Survivability Factors , better known as Environmental Effects .
- Combat Phase: This is where you learn about how combat works in Reborn in Power ! You will get access to how Traditional Combat works (Turn-based Initiative) as well as the unique Squad Combat . The next form of combat will be Space Combat , which will be planned to release in 2023!
In the end, this section is mostly going to be used by Loremasters (LMs) when running game sessions. That is until the Loremaster Codex is officially released after the first official Mission Directive (DIRECTIVE 140: Playtest) .
Rewards for Supporting:
Since the entire creative venture that is Arthadian Anthologies is an online business, it does run on a subscription model.
The standard subscription tier is a CORE Citizen which is $3/month. This provides those who only want to read the content put out by myself (eventually others) and to support my work.
Where the maximum value comes in is through the tier above the citizen, the Chosen Tier! This tier is $5/month and provides those who are wanting to dive into Reborn in Power the full Chosen Creation: Study, the Chosen Role in the discord, and the big bonus of exclusive Codex Entries that expands Reborn in Power’s Chosen Creation much more!
On the other hand, this here is a Crowdfunding Campaign so if a monthly subscription is not something you are looking for, I understand, but that is where most of the value in the content I’ll be producing is at.
Therefore, here is what rewards you will receive in this campaign:
- Support for building a New Expanding Universe: By pledging just $1, you are supporting an effort to build a new, shared universe for players, writers, artists, and creators of many kinds, thank you!
- Chosen Creation: The Study that this entire campaign is about! By pledging just $10, you will receive an invite after making an account at
- Apprentice Chosen: By pledging $15, you will receive a special code for the Chosen Subscription that will give you 6 months access to all exclusive content and Chosen Creation. If you cancel at any point in the 6 month period, I will personally make sure you still have access to Chosen Creation.
- Master Chosen: By pledging $30, you will receive a special code for the Chosen Subscription that will give you 12 months access to all exclusive content and Chosen Creation. If you cancel at any point in the 12 month period, I will personally make sure you still have access to Chosen Creation.
- Ascended Chosen: By pledging $60, you will receive a special code for the Chosen Subscription that will give you 24 months access to all exclusive content and Chosen Creation. If you cancel at any point in the 24 month period, I will personally make sure you still have access to Chosen Creation.
Note that all rewards are based on if you go the Chosen route. There are some add-ons if you wish to take it a step further as a Loremaster!
Here are the Loremaster add-ons:
- Archivist: You will be given the Archivist Role in the New Expanding Universe Discord Server. This will sign you up for access to the future Worldbuilders Guide to the CORE: Study.
- Disciple: You will be given the Disciple Role in the New Expanding Universe Discord Server. This will give you access to Chosen Creation and sign you up for Loremaster Lessons (LMLs) with myself to teach you how to make Reborn in Power content.
- Sage: You will get to play as a Sage in the CORE through Reborn in Power. This will be a more immersive understanding of how Reborn in Power works and how the CORE operates for when you take up the mantle yourself.
- Loremaster: If you pledge $100+ to this campaign, you will receive a specialized code for the Loremaster Subscription Tier that will provide 24 months of exclusive content and any modules created for you to run campaigns and a Loremaster Notebook. Same rules apply from the Chosen Tiers above.
- Writ: This pledge is for $200+ and you will receive a framed Map of The CORE Realms, a specialized code for the Loremaster Subscription for 24 months, and a Loremaster Notebook. Plus all Loremaster add-ons apply.
Any amount of support will suffice, but those who are willing to be part of the creation of this New Expanding Universe are the ones that will get the most of it!
Why Crowdfund?
You may ask, why is crowdfunding needed if Chosen Creation is already complete? Well, this campaign is made specifically for the Tabletop Nonstop promotion on Crowdfundr! It’s probably where you found this!
However, my goal is to build a community and in order to do so, I’ve got to get people playing Reborn in Power and participating in all the fun things we’ve got going on!
Crowdfunding is one of the top marketing essentials for Tabletop RPGs and since Chosen Creation is complete, this campaign is meant to give you all a discount on all the content I have created as well as future projects!
Where will the Money be spent?
The costs of all that I’ve done in my 9 years of making Reborn in Power is around $10-12k.
I’m not looking for that much…
What I am looking for is a good starting point to build and expand a team. This includes hiring regular artists, marketing budget, even hiring those who take up the Loremaster Add-ons as freelancers or even contracted Writers & Creators for future projects!
I’ve already got the foundation laid out. All I need now is the support network that will make this truly a New Expanding Universe!
A Final Thank You!
I know this was long, but I hope for those of you who have gotten up to this point, it will be worth it!
Whether you just give a small donation to this venture or you dedicate your time to becoming a creator alongside me, I thank you and am eternally grateful!
This is my life dream, to build and immerse others into what I’ve created, all so that they may be inspired to do the same!
As I finish here, please be safe, stay safe, and if death comes to you…
May you be Reborn in Power…
Chosen Creation: Study
This is the Official Online Ruleset for the Reborn in Power Tabletop Roleplaying Game. Once you have signed up to, you will receive an invited to Chosen Creation!
If you do not receive an invite within 24 hours of joining, feel free to reach out through this campaign or send a message to
Apprentice Chosen
By choosing this reward, you will receive a special coupon code for 50% Off a 6 month Chosen Subscription once becoming a member at!
For just $15, you will receive access to the following:
- Chosen Creation: Study (Reborn in Power Online Ruleset, if you cancel at any point you will retain access to Chosen Creation)
- Rune Forger: Chosen Codex (Additional content for making a Rune Forger)
- CORE Command: Chosen Codex (Additional content for making a CORE Command Officer)
- Chosen Codex: Archive (Exclusive Monthly Entries that feature added Reborn in Power Content)
Once you've received the Promo Code, go to and do the following steps:
- Make an account on the site
- Click Chosen when on the subscription page
- Make sure you are logged in
- Click 'Enter a coupon code' on the right hand side in the Order Summary
- Enter the code given to you here and click 'Apply'
- At this point it will ask for your credit card info. Note: All your info is secure!
- Click 'Buy Now' at the bottom and you will then have 6 months off a Chosen Subscription!
Master Chosen
By choosing this reward, you will receive a special coupon code for 50% Off a 12 month Chosen Subscription once becoming a member at!
For just $30, you will receive access to the following:
- Chosen Creation: Study (Reborn in Power Online Ruleset, if you cancel at any point you will retain access to Chosen Creation)
- Rune Forger: Chosen Codex (Additional content for making a Rune Forger)
- CORE Command: Chosen Codex (Additional content for making a CORE Command Officer)
- Chosen Codex: Archive (Exclusive Monthly Entries that feature added Reborn in Power Content)
Once you've received the Promo Code, go to and do the following steps:
- Make an account on the site
- Click Chosen when on the subscription page
- Make sure you are logged in
- Click 'Enter a coupon code' on the right hand side in the Order Summary
- Enter the code given to you here and click 'Apply'
- At this point it will ask for your credit card info. Note: All your info is secure!
- Click 'Buy Now' at the bottom and you will then have 12 months off a Chosen Subscription!
Ascended Chosen
By choosing this reward, you will receive a special coupon code for 50% Off a 24 month Chosen Subscription once becoming a member at!
For just $60, you will receive access to the following:
- Chosen Creation: Study (Reborn in Power Online Ruleset, if you cancel at any point you will retain access to Chosen Creation)
- Rune Forger: Chosen Codex (Additional content for making a Rune Forger)
- CORE Command: Chosen Codex (Additional content for making a CORE Command Officer)
- Chosen Codex: Archive (Exclusive Monthly Entries that feature added Reborn in Power Content)
Once you've received the Promo Code, go to and do the following steps:
- Make an account on the site
- Click Chosen when on the subscription page
- Make sure you are logged in
- Click 'Enter a coupon code' on the right hand side in the Order Summary
- Enter the code given to you here and click 'Apply'
- At this point it will ask for your credit card info. Note: All your info is secure!
- Click 'Buy Now' at the bottom and you will then have 24 months off a Chosen Subscription!
You are committed to becoming a potential Loremaster for Reborn in Power!
You will be given the Disciple Role in the New Expanding Universe Discord Server. This perk will grant you access to Chosen Creation and sign you up for Loremaster Lessons (LMLs) with M. S. Arthadian to teach you how to make Reborn in Power content.
You will receive a specialized code for the Loremaster Subscription Tier that will provide 24 months of exclusive content and any modules created for you to run campaigns and a Loremaster Notebook.
Note: Same guidelines apply from the Chosen Tiers above.
See all activity6Activity
Chosen Creation: Study
This is the Official Online Ruleset for the Reborn in Power Tabletop Roleplaying Game. Once you have signed up to, you will receive an invited to Chosen Creation!
If you do not receive an invite within 24 hours of joining, feel free to reach out through this campaign or send a message to
Apprentice Chosen
By choosing this reward, you will receive a special coupon code for 50% Off a 6 month Chosen Subscription once becoming a member at!
For just $15, you will receive access to the following:
- Chosen Creation: Study (Reborn in Power Online Ruleset, if you cancel at any point you will retain access to Chosen Creation)
- Rune Forger: Chosen Codex (Additional content for making a Rune Forger)
- CORE Command: Chosen Codex (Additional content for making a CORE Command Officer)
- Chosen Codex: Archive (Exclusive Monthly Entries that feature added Reborn in Power Content)
Once you've received the Promo Code, go to and do the following steps:
- Make an account on the site
- Click Chosen when on the subscription page
- Make sure you are logged in
- Click 'Enter a coupon code' on the right hand side in the Order Summary
- Enter the code given to you here and click 'Apply'
- At this point it will ask for your credit card info. Note: All your info is secure!
- Click 'Buy Now' at the bottom and you will then have 6 months off a Chosen Subscription!
Master Chosen
By choosing this reward, you will receive a special coupon code for 50% Off a 12 month Chosen Subscription once becoming a member at!
For just $30, you will receive access to the following:
- Chosen Creation: Study (Reborn in Power Online Ruleset, if you cancel at any point you will retain access to Chosen Creation)
- Rune Forger: Chosen Codex (Additional content for making a Rune Forger)
- CORE Command: Chosen Codex (Additional content for making a CORE Command Officer)
- Chosen Codex: Archive (Exclusive Monthly Entries that feature added Reborn in Power Content)
Once you've received the Promo Code, go to and do the following steps:
- Make an account on the site
- Click Chosen when on the subscription page
- Make sure you are logged in
- Click 'Enter a coupon code' on the right hand side in the Order Summary
- Enter the code given to you here and click 'Apply'
- At this point it will ask for your credit card info. Note: All your info is secure!
- Click 'Buy Now' at the bottom and you will then have 12 months off a Chosen Subscription!
Ascended Chosen
By choosing this reward, you will receive a special coupon code for 50% Off a 24 month Chosen Subscription once becoming a member at!
For just $60, you will receive access to the following:
- Chosen Creation: Study (Reborn in Power Online Ruleset, if you cancel at any point you will retain access to Chosen Creation)
- Rune Forger: Chosen Codex (Additional content for making a Rune Forger)
- CORE Command: Chosen Codex (Additional content for making a CORE Command Officer)
- Chosen Codex: Archive (Exclusive Monthly Entries that feature added Reborn in Power Content)
Once you've received the Promo Code, go to and do the following steps:
- Make an account on the site
- Click Chosen when on the subscription page
- Make sure you are logged in
- Click 'Enter a coupon code' on the right hand side in the Order Summary
- Enter the code given to you here and click 'Apply'
- At this point it will ask for your credit card info. Note: All your info is secure!
- Click 'Buy Now' at the bottom and you will then have 24 months off a Chosen Subscription!
You are committed to becoming a potential Loremaster for Reborn in Power!
You will be given the Disciple Role in the New Expanding Universe Discord Server. This perk will grant you access to Chosen Creation and sign you up for Loremaster Lessons (LMLs) with M. S. Arthadian to teach you how to make Reborn in Power content.
You will receive a specialized code for the Loremaster Subscription Tier that will provide 24 months of exclusive content and any modules created for you to run campaigns and a Loremaster Notebook.
Note: Same guidelines apply from the Chosen Tiers above.
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