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These three components are practically non-negotiable for a successful campaign:


    1. Campaign story. Arguably the most important part of a crowdfunding campaign, the story helps your supporters understand your project’s value, who will love it most, what they can expect… so many important things that could be the turning point between them contributing or not. We have an article all about writing effective crowdfunding campaign stories, which outlines these suggested guidelines:

      1. Begin with a catchy opening line.
      2. Project background
      3. Project description
      4. Identify target audience
      5. Identify how your supporters help with their contribution
      6. Timeline
      7. Call to action.

                     Need technical help with the story editor? View our Help Centre articles!


    1. Images. How will anyone know what they’re getting if they can’t see pictures?! But not just any pictures – they must be of the highest quality. Our Campaign Success Guide has a section on what makes an excellent crowdfunding campaign image.


    • Video. A campaign video won’t necessarily make or break your campaign, particularly if you have a smaller goal you plan on achieving with your small but loyal supporter base. However, you elevate the campaign to another level with a video because you’re grabbing those potential newcomers who aren’t as familiar with your work. Not everyone will read the story, and you likely have a precious few seconds to convince them they want to contribute to your campaign. A video helps you do that.
      The Campaign Success Guide also has a section on best practices for campaign videos.


    This article describes how to insert and edit your cover image and video.

    Have technical questions about the platform?

    Visit the ConnectionPoint Help Centre!

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    Our Discord channel is a place to connect with other creators and the Crowdfundr team to ask questions, seek advice, and share strategies. But if you don’t do Discord, or want to schedule a demo, feel free to email us at

    Join the Crowdfundr Discord Channel

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