SNAP! Productions at The Ghost Light Theatre
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SNAP! Productions was established in 1993 as a non-equity, all-volunteer organization, utilizing local talent to raise money for and educate people about HIV/AIDS.
After losing its performance space and navigating through a pandemic, SNAP! Productions has become its own entity in 2023! It is now known as SNAP! Productions at Ghost Light Theatre. The goal of SNAP! is to continue to educate and inspire, while providing quality theater that is a "celebration of life."
Mission: SNAP! Productions is dedicated to providing quality entertainment that engages, inspires, and transforms with honesty, integrity, and transparency. Through the art of theater, SNAP! hopes to provide cultural enrichment, to create development, and to offer opportunities for self-discovery. SNAP! hopes to cultivate the creative energy of youth and to celebrate the wisdom of age. SNAP! will continue to honor diversity and heritage.
Upon meeting the mission and providing these services in our community, SNAP! relies on the generosity of individuals and businesses for support. Without the assistance of loyal individuals and businesses, SNAP! would not be able to serve those in the community. SNAP! hopes that its dedication to providing quality theater will promote courage, equity, acceptance, willingness, transparency, and development.
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